Bücs Szilárd, Barti Levente, Szodoray-Parádi Farkas

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A kiválasztott kulcsszó: Duna - Dunărea - Danube


Talált cikkek száma: 2

Murariu D. (2005): The state of the mammals (Mammalia) along the Danube, between Gârla Mare and Călăraşi (Romania). Travaux du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa", XLVIII: 427-445. [PDF]

Negrea Şt., Negrea A. (1969): Peşterile din defileul Dunării. Lucrările Institutului de Speologie "Emil Racoviţă", Bucureşti, VIII: 25-50. [PDF]

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